Friday, August 11, 2017

Lets play Catch everyone up on Past Momgate entries!!

Momgate entry 003562 : First day home alone with all 3 children. All is quiet, and everyone is seemingly happy....but I feel that the Middle child may be planning an uprising since she decided to play in her room during nap time....

Momgate entry #003563... Day 2 at home with all 3 children and I have managed to keep them all alive...we all have most likely cried at some point today... Some more then others... The middle sized child still has me on the lookout for a takeover, she seems to always be into and up to something...

Momgate entry #003564: Day 3 is almost over. I got nothing accomplished, the kids however survived with no injuries. I am concerned about the middle one. I believe that she is still planning a take over, and now I think she is trying to recruit the little one to help with this take over due to her constantly going over and having hushed conversations with him...

Momgate entry #003565: Day 4: today we had a casualty... The middle sized child used a WHOLE tube of diaper ointment on her face, it never stood a chance😭. During this same time frame the big child recorded 15 videos on my phone with about 50 pictures.... Lesson that I learned from this.... Never go to the bathroom! I also learned that the middle one is developing her attack tactics for the take over... She now takes a chair to the counter, pulls herself into the sink and climbs up, and then walks to the cabniet. I believe she is searching for the perfect items to use for the take over, or a snack... Either way I am in trouble. Hopefully reinforcements will be home soon so that I can use the restroom...

Momgate entry #003566: Day 5: TGIF!! I thought for sure the kids were going to win the battle today. The middle child has been up since 6AM, with only two twenty minute naps (not long enough), only wanting her Daddy, and wanting to wake the baby every time he fell asleep.this must be another stage of planning for the take over with the middle one. The oldest child has been threatened all day with not being allowed to stay up to watch Descendents 2. I don't know when she got so Sassy.... The small one has been the worst all day filling up his diapers as soon as I changed the previous one. I think this is part of the take over plan. I have on the upside got to see another human being today that I was not related too, and on the upside she bought me CHOCOLATE!!! Thanks Sandra Sooter Bohn, the chocolate was yummy. I am glad tomorrow is Saturday, but I think I will be out numbered even more since the giant kid is going to be home all day... If you do not hear or read a status from me, I have been captured, and or I have lost my mind.

Momgate entry #003567: Day 6: today was filled with lots of peaceful ☮️moments... Oh who am I kidding, it was as wild as ever, especially since the giant kid was home today, and wanted to have a full on conversation at 7AM, I had only just fallen asleep about an hour prior, and the big, middle and tiny child were still sleeping ( the tiny child and I had a who could keep their eyes open the longest, because I want to nurse all night long challange. I think I lost...). I sent the giant child "grocery shopping" I did Walmart grocery pickup, let me just say, this is the best thing ever, I can check my fridge to see if I actually need that extra gallon of milk, and other items I tend to forget, I digress...( this link will give you $10.00 off your order). I cooked breakfast while the giant child was away, something about feeding my children is supposed to happen, and guess what it was an actual hot breakfast, I hope they don't expect it again, cause it ain't happening. Next time everyone fends for themselves. We went on an outing as a family to the store.... Let's say taking 3 of the 4 with me had me ready to leave. The giant one was rushing me, the big one was acting like a Mama hen, copying what ever I said to the middle one, and let's not get me started on the middle one.... She wore me out!!! We came home and somehow time went by super fast and it was bedtime, and I am incredibly happy for that, because a few times today I wasn't sure if I was going to make it out of today alive or end up in the insane asylum...

Momgate entry #003568: Day 7: The week has come to an end, all the children still have all their fingers, toes, and other body parts so that is a good thing. The Giant, Big, Middle, Tiny child and myself went to church. We were late as normal, but that was my fault....I fell asleep (I'm meant to sleep when the baby sleeps right?),but hey we made it. People loved checking out the Tiny child, and who could blame them, he is pretty adorable. The oldest one was in primary, and did fine as normal. The middle one went to Nursery, I took her potty one time (she is doing pretty well in potty training). Before Nursery ended, and the Giant child picked her up, she decided her diaper was not for her and after wetting it took it off and played her own personal game of kick the diaper.... We have been playing that game at home for awhile now. I'm sure the Nursery leaders got a good giggle, well I at least hope they did. The Giant child took the tiny child for a little bit, well until he let out his manly sounding flatulence and soilded himself The TINY child, not the GIANT child. My YW loved him and wanted to hold him, unfortunately when the Tiny child was clean he wanted to eat, so that he could fill the diaper up again. We got done and church was over. We stayed late letting a friend love on the Tiny child. We came home, and I made 🍕, well warmed it in the oven.... I didn't want to cook. Now we're at the end of the night, and I have cleaned my living room, about a zillion times, but all in all this day has been full of giggles, love, and dirty diapers. One week down all a zillion more weeks to go... Hope my sanity will make it that long.

Momgate entry #003569: Day 8: 45 mins of sleep before the Big child woke me up to ask me if I could unlock her tablet so she could play educational games. I may have mumbled and threw the covers over my head before unlocking it. I set up a kiddie pool for the kids, I was having issues (lack of sleep) and the Big child had the nerve to tell me she was going to read the directions to me, since I didn't seem to do so. I may have responded "I read the rules, the pool just hates me". We finally got it set up, and everyone ready for some fun in the sun. The Middle child had the time of her life, and decided that her swim diaper was not for her, so her white and shinny was out for the world to view. The Tiny one slept, just like I knew he would. I fed kids, even though I protested the whole time I was making it. Nap time was pleasant the middle and tiny one slept, and that meant I could too. The big one watched a few YouTube videos. Best extra hour of sleep! Though I am sure that hour nap gave the middle one a major energy boost. Then the mail came and I cried...I got the itemized bill for my hospital stay and C-Section, I will be selling my kidney, spleen, right leg and left eye to pay when the actual bill comes in, so if your interested let me know 😂😅😂...we played in the pool again, and neighbor child came over to play as well... LONGEST hour of my life when they were playing with her. The Big child gave herself a grill makeover (she never lacks imagination) Now the Big and Middle children are attacking the Giant child, and I am considering skipping eating my dinner and going straight to bed. Who am I kidding they will all 4 come and see what I am doing in 5 minutes...

Momgate entry #003570: Day 9: today is only Tuesday... The Giant child and I made a special morning trip to the pediatricians office today, for the Middle ones 2 year old check up. I thought things were going smoothly until Big showed Middle where the fish and turtles were at, which led to all sorts of excitement from Middle running around talking about the "ish". When we got called back, Giant took Middle with the nurse to get her weight and height (33 inches and 23lbs ,10th percentile). Big decided she wanted to irritate the Tiny child, so I took Tiny away. Big, still was full of it, so when Middle returned from going potty, Big talked middle to get under the exam table with her, where middle sat unamused until the doctor came in and then started to lick under the table. I truly can't take them anywhere... Luckily everything went well and the Check up was fast. We got home and Middle decided to reward her self, by taking a nice dip in the kiddie pool fully clothed. I sent Giant off to work once everyone was inside and fed. Middle and Tiny must have been tired they both zonked out... I may have too, but I'm not sure, it was pretty dark under my eyelids. I don't know what we did this afternoon, either it was something truly horrible and I blocked the memory, or we were lazy and watched cartoons. I'm sure either way it was a win win for all of us. I experimented with dinner, everyone ate it, and no one died or vomited so WOOHOO to that.. tomorrow is hump day, I wonder what kind of adventures are in store since all the children except Giant crashed early tonight.... Guess I should get ready to hold on tight to my belt loops...

Momgate entry #003582: Day: I don't even know anymore, they have all blended together. Well we have made it through the first three days of First grade. Middle, and Tiny decided to get up at the same time as Big, and Giant... There went my few moments of mentally preparing myself for the day. Middle and Tiny went to the bus stop with me instead of sleeping at the house while Giant finished getting ready for work like normal. That was an adventure, a toddler who unbuckled herself, because she wants to chase the stray neighborhood cats. Came home, I was hoping Middle and Tiny would nap, nope. Middle kept asking for cake for breakfast, Tiny just wanted more of the house special at restaurant mama. Middle had to settle for cereal, and she was MAD. We played and by we Middle and I played while Tiny slept, and then she found her George and I got dumped like a bag of flour on a bakery floor. They did everything together, and I mean everything. Middle went potty so did George, speaking of Potty. Mama happy side Middle took herself to her little potty and 💩 Ed by herself. I was so happy. Middle finally crashed, Tiny crashed and so did this Mama (I needed it). We ate lunch and of course Middle wanted Cake, I made her something else, and of course she was MAD. Middle and George played and watched Curious George on TV for a bit. We picked up Big from the bus stop. Came home, Big caught an attitude, and did the opposite of what I asked her to do, so this Mama put her in her place, it was great. A while later I decided to take a quick shower while Tiny took a nap and Big and Middle played, That is where I made my mistake.... While I was in the shower Middle got bored playing Big, and found an empty cup. Middle came in the bathroom and decided that filling the cup with toilet water (toilet had been cleaned, and was clean still). Middle still trying to take over the world, scared the daylight out of me because she threw the cup of cold to let water in the shower at me. I took the cup, but that did not stop her. I heard lots of giggles, and looked outside of the curtain, and lo and behold I see Middle STICKING her head in the toilet, and saying my hair. Ugh.... I cooked dinner and sent Big outside to get her out of my hair for a bit, luckily Giant came home and I got to run away for a bit to Mutual. Came home and watched Mama's Family, and now I have to sleep, or I will be run over by energetic Middle tomorrow, and plus Tiny will be up so.... Never mind he just woke up.

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Lets play Catch everyone up on Past Momgate entries!!

Momgate entry 003562 : First day home alone with all 3 children. All is quiet, and everyone is seemingly happy....but I feel that the Middle...